My Liberation Diary – 나의 해방일지 (English subtitles)

Our Blues - 우리들의 블루스 (English subtitles)
Again My life - 어게인 마이 라이프 (English subtitles)

Description: My Liberation Diary tells the story of three siblings, Yeom Chang Hee (Lee Min Ki), Yeom Mi Jung (Kim Ji Won) and Yeom Ki Jung (Lee El) and a secretive stranger, Mr. Goo (Son Suk Koo) who want to escape from their dead-end life.

A.K.A:My Liberation NotesGenre:Romance
Times:16 Episodes
Release Date:09 April 2022
Production company(s):jTBC
Director:Kim Suk Yoon
Cast:Lee Min Ki, Kim Ji Won, Son Suk Koo, Lee El, Lee Ki WooCheon Ho Jin, Jeon Hye Jin

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